Get your toes wet, strategize, and build a solid foundation for your Voice Assistant or Chatbot journey
Decades of Experience
Team members with decades of experience and careers dedicated to conversational AI
Multi-Industry Success
Conversational AI implementations from banking and retail to government
Multi-Award Winners
Recognised across multiple industries for chatbot and voice assistant implementations
Voice Assistant / Chatbot Discovery
Cutting through the hype, we can assist you in understanding where you should employ a voice assistant or chatbot in your intelligent automation journey. More importantly as expert consultants we’ll tell you where you shouldn’t employ intelligent automation, but leverage other tools to achieve your key outcomes.
Demystifying Conversational AI
Geared at educating and demystifying the conversational AI landscape for Executives, product heads and channel leads. We help your team better understand the realities of conversational AI, cut through the hype and understand where to reap the value of emerging conversational AI. Ask about one of our education packages:
Business case and Roadmap Development
We can help you develop a robust business case to secure funding for your voice assistant or chatbot. From identifying the key challenges for your users, defining and measuring your ROI, planning your execution roadmap, and sizing the upfront and on-going costs, our experts have got it covered.
Demo, Proof of Concept (PoC) or Trial
Seeing a voice assistant or chatbot in action makes the whole experience tangible. They’re great for demonstrating overall capability to executives for buy-in. We can also help with running a live trial; from defining the desirable outcomes, to developing and maintaining your conversational assistant, and wrapping up with a report to take into your next stage of intelligent automation.
Quarterly Conversational AI Brainstrust
Getting your head around the conversational AI space can be daunting. That’s why we’ve started a regular brainstrust where organisations can get answers to their burning questions from industry experts. Subscribing will also allow you to meet peers on the same voice or chatbot journey to share your experiences and challenges.
Our Process
Meet to understand your business drivers for digital transformation and voice assistants or chatbots.
Provide you with a custom demo to engage with your stakeholders and build a ground swell of support.
Run a full discovery to prepare your business case and roadmap; or run a limited trial to gather insights on the next steps.